The Thrower’s Ten Program is a concise yet comprehensive training program designed specifically for pitchers and throwers to train all muscles of the arm, as well as the body, used in throwing a baseball. The exercises selected for this program have been extensively studied and selected specifically because they have been proven to improve muscular strength, power and muscular endurance, ultimately reducing the risk of shoulder and elbow injuries.
Exercises should be performed 3x / week . Easily incorporate this into a typical practice by bringing resistance bands or light weights down to the field. Perform each exercise for 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Select a resistance (band or weight) that is fatiguing by the 10th rep but that you will be able to complete the next set after a 30 to 60 second rest.
- a. Diagonal Pattern D2 Extension
Involved hand will grip band overhead and out to side. Pull band down and across body to opposite side of leg. During motion, lead with thumb. *Pull down and across.

- b. Diagonal Pattern D2 Flexion (Sword motion)
Gripping band in hand of involved arm, begin with arm out from side 45 degrees and palm facing downward. After turning palm forward, proceed to flex elbow and bring arm up and over involved shoulder. Turn palm down and reverse to take arm to starting position. *Pull up and across.

2. a. External Rotation at 0° Abduction
Stand with your elbow at 90°, fixed at side,and arm perpendicular to body. Place a rolled up towel between your body and arm. Grip band handle while the other end is fixed. Pull out your arm, keeping elbow at side. Return to starting position slowly and controlled.

2. b. Internal Rotation at 0° Abduction
Stand with your elbow at 90°, fixed at side, and arm perpendicular to body. Grip band and pull band into body while keeping elbow at side. Return to starting position slowly and controlled.

2. c. Internal Rotation at 90° Abduction (optional)
Stand with your shoulder externally rotated and elbow bent to 90°. Keeping your shoulder away from the body, rotate it forward, keeping elbow bent at 90°. Return stretch band to starting position in slow and controlled manner.

2. d. External Rotation at 90°Abduction (optional)
Stand with shoulder abducted to 90°. Grip band while other end is fixed straight ahead, slightly lower than shoulder. Keeping shoulder abducted, rotate shoulder back keeping elbow at 90°. Return band to starting position.

3. Scaption “Full Can”
With a dumbbell or hand weight, raise your arm to shoulder level at 30° angle in front of body. Do not go above shoulder height. Hold for two seconds and slowly lower.

4. Shoulder Abduction to 90°
With a dumbbell, raise your arm to the side at 90° while keeping elbow straight. Hold for two seconds and lower slowly.

5. Sidelying External Rotation
Lie on uninvolved side, with involved arm at side of body and elbow bent to 90°. Keeping the elbow of involved arm fixed to side, raise arm. Hold 2-3 seconds and lower slowly.

6. a. Prone Horizontal Abduction (Neutral)
Lie on table, face down, with involved arm hanging straight to the floor and dumbbell in hand. Raise your arm out to the side, parallel to the floor. Hold for two seconds and lower slowly.

6. b. Prone Rowing
Lie on your stomach with involved arm hanging over the side of the table, weight in hand and elbow straight. Slowly raise your arm, bending elbow and bring weight as high as possible. Hold at the top for two seconds, and then lower slowly.

7. Rows into External Rotation at 90° Abduction
Seated on stability ball, with both arms straight ahead, grasp band. Keeping your arms at shoulder height, bend your elbows and pull band towards the body until your elbows are at shoulder level and directly out to both sides (90° abduction). Hold for two seconds, and then rotate shoulder upward until arm is at 90°. Hold at the top for two seconds then return slowly to starting position.

8. Wrist Extension
Supporting the forearm and with palm facing downward, raise a hand weight as far as possible. Hold for two seconds and lower slowly.

9. Wrist Flexion
Supporting your forearm and with palm facing upward, lower the hand weight as far as possible and then curl it up as high as possible. Hold for two seconds and lower slowly.

10. Supination / Pronation
Forearm should be supported on table with wrist in neutral position. Using a hand weight, roll your wrist upward. Hold for two seconds and return to starting position.

For more information please contact us at or [email protected].
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